We love being original and innovative. We have people with experience in applied research, and we are very proud of their contribution in the field.
Gkikas, N. (2012). Automotive Ergonomics: Driver-Vehicle Interaction. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.Gkikas, N. (2012). Driving in the era of IVIS and ADAS. In L.Dorn (ed.) Driver Behaviour and Training, Vol V, pp. 417-429. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Gkikas, N. (2012). Human-machine interaction (HMI) in the time of electric vehicles. In N.Gkikas (ed.) Automotive Ergonomics: Driver-Vehicle Interaction, pp. 155-171). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Gkikas, N (2011). Formula 1 steering wheels: a story of ergonomics. Ergonomics in Design, 19 (3), 30-34.
Gkikas, N., (2011). Ergonomics of Intelligent Vehicle Braking Systems: The operational and functional foundation for driver-centred braking systems. Saarbrücken: Lambert Academic Publishing.
Gkikas, N., Cynk, S., Basacik, D., & Reed, N. (2011). Automotive ergonomics at 50: where do we stand? In M. Anderson (Ed.), Contemporary Ergonomics & Human Factors 2011, pp 178-184. London: Taylor & Francis.
Gkikas, N. & Richardson, John (2011) 'The impact of verbal interaction on driver lateral control; an experimental assessment', Behaviour & Information Technology, 1, doi: 10.1080/0144929X.2010.518247, First posted on: 07 January 2011 (iFirst)
Gkikas, N., Richardson, J. H., & Hill, J. R. (2010). Reset to zero and specify active safety systems according to real world needs. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 136 (5), 465-471.
Haigney, D., & Gkikas, N. (2010). Assessing behavioural adaptation to physical risk. In Contemporary Ergonomics 2010. London: Taylor & Francis.
Gkikas, N., Richardson, J., & Hill, J. (2009). Towards a driver-centred brake assist system. Braking 2009, St Williams College, York, UK. 85-92.
Gkikas, N., Richardson, J., & Hill, J. (2009). A 50-driver naturalistic braking study: Overview and first results. In P. D. Bust (Ed.), Contemporary ergonomics 2009 (pp. 423-431). London: Taylor & Francis.
Gkikas, N., Richardson, J. H., & Hill, J. R. (2009). Exploitable characteristics of driver braking. Proceedings of the 21st International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV), Stuttgart. (Paper Number 09-0247)
Gkikas, N. (2009). Modelling command and control: Event analysis of systemic teamwork. Ergonomics, 52(7), 887. (Review)
Gkikas, N., Hill, J., & Richardson, J. (2008). Getting back to basics: Using road accident investigation to identify the desirable functionality of longitudinal control systems. In D. de Waard, F. O. Flemisch, B. Lorenz, H. Oberheid & K. A. Brookhuis (Eds.), Human factors for assistance and automation. (pp. 203-216). Maastricht, the Netherlands: Shaker Publishing.
Gkikas, N., & Richardson, J. (2007). The impact of conversation on driver distraction. In P. D. Bust (Ed.), Contemporary ergonomics 2007 (pp. 115-120). London: Taylor & Francis.